Tuesday, August 31, 2010


3 interviews down. 2 got cancelled. But those 3 were really good. I don't care which one, just someone hire me please. I'm past the point of crazy. I've got bills to pay. Things to do. Being out of work for 7 months, yes 7 months has absolutely made me realize that life is unfair sometimes. I have the God Wants you to Know app on fb and today's message..... that you've been talking to God too much, and not listening enough. Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you become quiet and listen to God. You've learned how to talk and ask well. Time to learn how to listen and hear, because God has been answering you.
Well Staci...shut up.


  1. Let me know how that works out for ya since I have a smidge of a problem listening too!!

    Still praying and still love you!!

    Nicole and Jere

  2. Ah... I was going to ask you for help on how to listen. You are supposed to be the know all of everything! What happened?

  3. Sister, I know how hard that is sometimes to just shut up and listen. But I know you can do it and I pray for you nightly. I know something amazing is in store for you. I love you!!
